Local Delivery

We wish all of our coffee could be cargo bike delivered in the Bay Area. One day it might! That’d be awesome!

Until then, we’ve thoughtfully mapped out rides that’ll be fun and safe for the little Sidekick to enjoy the ride! Our local delivery area includes most of San Jose and some surrounding areas. If you’re just outside of our area, feel free to reach out and check if we can still deliver coffee to your door!

Enter your zip code in check out and select, “Free Local Cargo Bike Delivery”. If you’re not in our delivery area or prefer shipping please select the shipping option. The map below shows the general area of our local delivery zone.

Please note that our delivery area is subject to change as we continue to define locations to accommodate our customers or we discover that certain areas may not be bicycle friendly.


Send us a note if you’re just outside of our delivery area. We’d love to see if we can make it happen!

Learn more about who’s roasting and delivering your coffee!